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Reflecting on rain

tree pose in the rain

This morning, I went to the track to run for the first time in months. As I pushed myself to complete a mile, I was transported back to my track and soccer days . The sky darkened and became more overcast, but I wasn’t pressed. I was transiting from jogging to sprinting and other people were still running and working out on the field, even as it began to rain lightly.

A few minutes later, as I finished my last sprinting lap, the sky opened up. Now, it was me and one other person who was kicking a soccer ball around on the opposite end of the field. As I laid on the track to catch my breath, I felt every rain drop making contact with my face. I felt calm, comfortable and cleansed. My plan was to do to yoga on the field after running, so that’s what I did. Practicing handstands, headstands, tree pose, dancing in the rain, and doing cartwheels, I simply took in and became one with the rain. I felt so light, free and full of joy. The gratitude I felt for the earth and water elements surrounding me, was deep and breathtaking.

As I wrapped up my short practice and prepared to head back home; I began to think about what rain means for me. When people think of a rebirth, many will imagine a Phoenix rising from the ashes. While that imagery is part of my thinking, I generally consider rain and its cathartic, cleansing power. For me, rain brings up space for new life, it fosters an environment for ideas to grow and flourish physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, metaphorically, and beyond.

Self Inquiry

What do you do when the rain comes?

What does the rain mean for you?

What do you learn from the rain?