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Learning to love the power of stillness

Mia sitting in stillness with hands in prayer

The space between breaths

I am generally an advocate for movement in all forms; physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually, etc, but the need for restoration, the power of stillness and reflection are equally important. Imagine the space between your breaths. That is a place of stillness and endless potential; a discerning point between the in and out breath. This pause is a neglected yet significant part of the breath.

Mind and body

I have been struggling to find mental stillness for the past couple of days and today a conversation with a dear family member brought things into perspective. As my mind moves a million miles a minute, I can be still and breathe. I am able to find stillness with my body and allow it to transfer within. Returning to the present with love in my heart, for that’s all that is.

The present is a gift

For the sake of transparency, I have been spending less and less time in my stillness. My intentional meditation practice has dwindled and I am beginning to feel it. Constantly on the move, going to the next idea, thought, or task. Running from myself figuratively and literally. This post serves as a reminder to myself and you, the reader, that being present is a gift.

Unlearning busyness

In this life, we are constantly stimulated and distracted. Finding stillness does not need to be boring. This is something to unlearn. Tapping into the power of your stillness and being present has the potential to hold the answer to any matter of the mind or heart. Being still, we can actually hear and be with ourselves. Can we learn to be still and breathe? Give it a try with this song, a personal favorite, and jot down anything that comes to mind.

How I the power of stillness

  • listen to guided mediations
  • play music without lyrics
  • sit in nature
  • walk on grass barefoot
  • look at the palms of my hands
  • focus on a stagnant object