
find all the MyInnerAura blog posts and self inquiry challenges here! Each post is an opportunity to explore the mind-body connection on a deeper level.

  • Confronting fear and limiting beliefs
    Imagine this.. Go on this brief thought journey with me. You just were let go from your job. Subsequently, you try to understand how and why this has happened to you. With limited information, you start to fill in the gaps with the following ideas: “I was not a great employee, so of course they… Read more: Confronting fear and limiting beliefs
  • Reflect. Plant seeds. Rest.
    As the leaves fall from the trees, leaving barren limbs – the tree is focusing on replenishing it’s energy.
  • Learning to love the power of stillness
    In this life, we are constantly stimulated and distracted. Finding stillness does not need to be boring. This is something to unlearn.
  • Rollercoaster of emotions
    Like a tree branch, the process of emotions is not a straight line. There are bends and twist all the way from the trunk to the edge of the branch.
  • Trust the process: turn off the GPS
    How often are you present to your journey- this gift that is life? A few nights ago, I was on my way home from a dance class and I turned the GPS on in my phone without thinking. The path I was taking home was not unfamiliar to me yet, the need to have a… Read more: Trust the process: turn off the GPS
  • Energy Awareness: what’s going on with your “cup”?
    Pouring from an empty cup is draining. So is not allowing yourself to be poured into by others. Who do you hold space with – not just hold space for?
  • Lead with Love
    I made moves with joy and love in mind. The fear around the shift began to fade. Gradually, the doubt became less crippling and before I knew it, I walked with the lightness of liberation.
  • Reflecting on rain
    As I laid on the track to catch my breath, I felt every rain drop making contact with my face. I felt calm, comfortable and cleansed.
  • Deconstructing self-doubt
    This is a self-awareness exercise. Feel free to take a few minutes to answer these questions. Where does self-doubt live in your life?  Does it manifest in your actions, words and/or thoughts?  When is the last time you doubted yourself or your abilities?  What fueled your doubt?  Is the source of your doubt subjective or… Read more: Deconstructing self-doubt
  • Self: Part One – Doubt and Procrastination
    As I reflected on this disturbing pattern of procrastination, I dug deeper. I spent time pondering during therapy sessions, meditations, and any downtime and eventually had an aha moment. I was uncomfortable at my discovery that I am not as confident as I believe.
  • Movement and stagnation
    rather that focusing on keeping moving forward, take a moment to focus on moving
  • Keep moving
    Keep moving forward. After learning and slaying some choreography, our dance instructor asked the class what makes us happy. To my relief, she had someone on the other side of the circle answer first. I unexpectedly had a blank mind when I first heard the question and mild panic set in. Slowly ideas popped up… Read more: Keep moving
  • Take your ideas for a walk
    List 2 or 3 ideas, thoughts, or aspirations that are important to you. They can be related to anything. Plan: Under each thought, write out some steps that you would have to take to turn your idea into reality. You can work from the present moment or think about it in reverse as if it… Read more: Take your ideas for a walk
  • Show Up for Yourself: PED
    All of us have brilliant ideas; however, many of these ideas will stay in our idea incubator unless we put them into action. One thing that I’ve always struggled with is showing up for myself and showing up for my ideas. The old pattern looked a bit like this: 1) I have new ideas. 2)… Read more: Show Up for Yourself: PED
  • The Beautiful Challenge Continues
    A year and three days ago, I graduated from university. In the months approaching graduation, I worked with my counselor to ensure that, no matter what situation I found myself in, I would be emotionally resilient and grounded after graduation. The plan was to focus on maintaining and growing my identity, practicing honest and open… Read more: The Beautiful Challenge Continues
  • Self Inquisition
    List 3 ideas or thoughts about yourself that you perceive as true today and break them down with question words. I am ______. Why do I believe this? How does believing this make me feel? Start with the questions above and add questions that make sense for you. Look at “The Beautiful Challenge Continues” for… Read more: Self Inquisition
  • It’s been a beautiful challenge
    senior reflection speech that I gave on May 17th 2018 at Georgetown’s Multicultural Graduation Ceremony, Harambee. Class of 2018, family, friends, guests, it is truly an honor to share with you all tonight. I am Mia, a Biology of Global Health major and Women’s and Gender Studies minor from New York. I think it is… Read more: It’s been a beautiful challenge
  • Welcome to My Inner Aura
    Welcome and thank you for taking a few moments to peek into my inner aura. I intend for this blog to be a space to catalog and encourage personal growth for myself and my readers; a space for exploration of the mind-body connection. Check out the site for blog posts, personal growth challenges, and original… Read more: Welcome to My Inner Aura