Why MyInnerAura?
My name is Mia and growing up I took the acronym M.I.A as missing in action. No, I was not a war prisoner, but it was true to me in different ways. I would stir up my own action by going missing briefly i.e getting lost in every mall, state park, department store, Zoo, theme park, etc. and I was very reserved, introspective, and would miss out on the “action” around me. There are times when this still rings true and I retreat into myself but now I embrace this time of introspection and am constructive and intentional with it. As I internalize, I spend a great deal of time with my thoughts and will share them with those closest to me. As I’ve shared with others, inside and outside of my close circle, I’ve noticed that I am not alone in my thoughts. Thus, MyInnerAura, a platform for me to share what I and many others think about all of the time, was born. M.I.A now has a new meaning. Looking at the meaning of aura you will find some of the following definitions: (1) the distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person, thing, or place; (2) a supposed emanation surrounding the body of a living creature and regarded as an essential part of the individual.
Who is MIA?
I am a creative healer, trauma informed yoga instructor, and researcher who is passionate about adolescent mental health, movement, and holistic wellness. I am connected to earth and am most alive in a green space and with a good book. I am trained in the art and science of yoga and studied biology of global health during undergrad. My mission is to empower others to heal from the inside out.
My writing and art work is an attempt to put into words and imagery the essential ideas and energy that make me who I am. My words may or may not resonate with many people and that is ok. I just hope that you are able to take something with you as you leave my blog.
Views and opinions expressed on this site are my own and do not represent any entity beyond myself.